The Okanagan Ferret Page
Thanks to Bob Nixon for this wonderful drawing

Be sure to visit these wonderful people...

Extreme Weezils - A wonder site, full of information, and fun stuff too

FerretWare - Novelties and Supplies for Ferrets and their Humans. Great site!!

The Ferret Company - A beautiful site, gift shop and information on our beloved ferrets

The Ferret Store - Lots of cool stuff for our it!!!

Fascinating Ferrets - Beautiful site. Check out the graphics

Ferret Central - Great Site for keeping up to date on Ferret news. Lots of information for Ferret Lovers.

Kelowna Vetcetera - Dr.Mike and his wonderful staff. Caring people, who have gone out of their way to provide professional care of ferrets and all other living creatures. Dr. Mike is amazing, he's the vet that saved my Tipper's life. Bless him for that.

Ferret Information Rescue Shelter and Trust Society - I admire this site. The wonderful work they do in rescuing and helping ferrets in need is amazing. They are located in Vancouver BC.

Tipper Says...Save a Ferret..Adopt From a Shelter

Canadian Web Awards!

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