The Okanagan Ferret Page
Thanks to Bob Nixon for this wonderful drawing

Welcome!! The Okanagan Ferret Page.

Inside you will find practical advice for ferret caretakers, present and future. Ferrets bring total
and complete fun and enjoyment to any home they reside in. Don't get me wrong... there's alot
of work in caring for a ferret, but the happiness and smiles they bring, far outweigh the drudgery
of maintenance.

Tipper, Coco, and Buddy

I dedicate this page to Tipper, Coco, Buddy and all my other "kids", to all ferret caretakers (past, present, and future) and to those who seek to protect and care for our little friends.

**On December 13, 2003 my honey girl Coco passed away from cancer. I miss you very much my girl, you're forever in my heart.**

Enjoy The Website...

**A special thank you to Dave and Dianne Kneesch
for their help in taking these beautiful pictures**

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